How much designers should charge for a website

We are well aware of the concept of web designing. Web designing is simply designing a website. As a website includes a number of web pages so designing is carried out on all the web pages constituted by the website. For making, a web page, different set of languages are used. Each language used for a particular purpose. While HTML is used for writing the web page, CSS is used for designing. SQL is used for databases, while PHP is used for storing those web pages on the server. A successful website is obtained when all these actions are carried out.  As a designer, it is his duty to perform each and every action and generate a beautiful website. A Singapore website designer is supposed to do either of the two works.

  • Handling the design of a created website.
  • Carry out each and every action from creation to the management of the website.

The designer can be asked to perform either of these two actions. Now the question arises, how much the designer should charge for the website? For this tricky question, there lies a simple answer, i.e. charges as per you work. Well, the answer appears quite simple however it is not in real. It is quite confusing what to charge and set up the price. So here lies a set of things you can do to decide what you should charge for your work.

See what you can do

There are two ways of designing. Either install a WordPress theme or code a theme for designing.   Now if you are charging $1000 for a work which is quite simple, then you cannot be called a developer. So charge as per a number of efforts you have applied.

What money you expect

You have to think what you will pay if you yourself are the customer. Placing yourself at the place of others is the best way for the judgment. Think according to the person for whom you are working.

What other people charge

If you are a professional, then you must know about the people who have the same profile as you. You should consult them and determine what they charge for what thing. I have listed 10 trusted web design company in Singapore, you could check out the website design charges from them.

Set up the charges

As a professional, you have some you should make fixed charges for the amount of things you do. For example, if the website demands movement of the webpage then set up a fixed charge for using it. Setting up fixed charges for the feature you will use will render a great help as you will be able to decide what you have to charge.

Consider the negotiation

As we know, a buyer always does the negotiations for the price, so you should better set up your cost somewhat on a higher side such that the negotiations do not make much loss for you and you will easily get the profit you deserve. But do not make it that much higher such that it gets away from the reach of the buyer.

Follow these steps and you will get a website design package price as per you have worked.