Understanding the concept of SEO

If you want your online business to grow then SEO is a very important aspect. This will help in getting more traffic to the website. This, in turn, will help in getting more leads. This will obviously help in generating more sales and will improve the ROI.

What is SEO?

To put it in simple words SEO or search engine optimization is a process which is used with the aim to get the website the best possible ranking in the major search engines like Google. It involves organizing the website content in such a way that the search engine can easily crawl, read, index and rank the content properly when a query which is relevant to the content is made.

Understanding the concept of a search engine:

When one wants to search any content on the world wide web then this program called search engine is used. Google and Microsoft’s Bing are the major search engines. One needs to enter the keywords or characters in the search engine. The search engine will then search the database and will list down the items that match the query.

The major functions of search engines are as follows:

  • The first function is crawling in which the contents are searched on the www
  • Next is indexing which involves tracking and storing of content
  • The last thing that it will do is retrieving the content

Here is how the search engine giant Google works!

When a query is entered the first step is crawling where Google will find the pages on the web. It must be noted that Google will keep searching for new pages and will keep adding it to the list. The process of discovery is crawling. This is followed by indexing where the search engine giant will try to understand what the page is about. That is it will study the content, images etc and store it in the Google index. Now there will be many results in the database. Only those results will get higher ranking which have quality and relevant content. There is a ranking algorithm called MOZ seo which has 200 factors. The query will go through this MOZ seo.

Some factors that are key to the Google algorithm:

  • Domain level keywords and keyword matches
  • The Facebook shares and tweet links quality and quantity.
  • The quantity of traffic
  • The use of domain offline
  • Uniqueness and length of the content.
  • Loading speed of the content
  • The links quality and quantity

SEO is very important for any business:

It must be noted that almost 90% of the traffic that you get is organic traffic. With SEO you can surely attract a number of visitors to your website. SEO is a very important factor for increasing the revenue of your business. Of course, you can find cheap SEO services in Singapore. along with SEO, it is equally important to have a website where the visitors get wonderful user experience. They need to get hooked to your website which in turn will help in converting leads into customers.