Thiam Siew – 

Thiam Siew condominium is launching soon for the elite class of Singapore. The most spacious flooring system designed so far brings in comfort and warmth for the residents. Feel alive again with the exotic view surrounded in all directions. The air passes through the windows making the most melodic quietest loud sound around. The location favours countless amenities and benefits. The green meadow makes your leisure time more pleasurable.

Thiam Siew Floor Plan 

Here are insights into the greatest venture project of Singapore- Thiam Siew.

1.       A1 Penthouse 1,345
2.       A1 797
3.       A2 Penthouse 1,345
4.       A2 797
5.       B1 Penthouse 1,238
6.       B1 732
7.       B2 Penthouse 1,238
8.       B2 732


A single housing unit consists of –

  1. Master Bedroom
  2. 2nd Bedroom
  3. Living/ dining area
  4. Kitchen
  5. Master bathroom
  6. 2nd Bathroom
  7. The private lift lobby area
  8. A/C ledge
  9. Balcony
  10. Penthouse additionally contains a Void are

Complementary Items and their placement –

  • Intercom with both audio and visual features – Living room/hall
  • Sanitary fittings – Bathroom
  • Wardrobe – Bedrooms
  • Cabinets, Microwave-oven, Refrigerator, Washer-cum-dryer and Induction Hob – Kitchen


Get in touch with us for the latest updated floor plan information.


Thiam Siew Condo Developer 

Thiam Siew Avenue has been constructed by two premium real-estate agencies of Singapore – Hoi Hup Realty Pte Ltd and Sunway Developments Pte Ltd.


Hoi Hup Realty Pte Ltd. – Hoi Hup was founded in 1983 and since then it has raised many awards. Their most significant achievement is to be enlisted under BCI Asia Top 10 developers 4 times. Many high-rise and quality buildings of Singapore belong to them like OKIO, JIA, HIJAUAN, GILSTEAD-TWO and Royal Square at Novena. Hoi Hup is known for its application of standardized manufacturing products. Till now they have completed over 8000 real-estate projects around the globe. The Hoi Hup’s role in Thiam Siew is to incorporate innovation and quality to this most awaited avenue.

Sunway Developments Pte Ltd. – Thiam Siew project’s second real-estate partner is Sunway, another big name in the real estate world. The brand has launched some of the best avenues like Dedaun, Sqwhere, UNA, The Hub, By the Sea and many others. Some of its projects are still ongoing. Sunway has brought sustainability and beauty to these residences. Sunway has added an ‘AWW’ factor to it.

Together these two brands will work wonders for Thiam Siew. Hold on to your heart rate before exploring the beauty of this magnificent building situated in District 15 of Singapore.

Call us for an on-site visit.

Doing an affordability check is important 

One of the milestones in every individual’s vitality is finalizing a property contract. You have expended various grueling years to schedule and invest in the nicest feasible purchase that suits your idea of a suitable home. With the substantial amount of loan and monthly installments at stake, it comes to be all the additional crucial to follow a list of must-know tips for purchasing a flat before you take the jump of selection. Moreover, keeping affordability is the utmost when you decide on a particular property to buy.

  • Doing an affordability inspection is the portion of the process

The first stride you have to deal with while purchasing a property is to test your affordability and allowance. You might need to check, ‘how much you can have the money for,’ along with the prevailing price of flats in Singapore. Know, with every square foot, the monthly budget boosts along with property taxes. Make sure to agree on your price spectrum based on your income.

Shortlisting the category of houses established on your budget, distinguishing prices of properties from several builders are some of the major points, to begin with. You can bring out a comparison by researching property listings from portals and newspapers, or through dealers. Remember to note the volatile modifications in inquiring prices. This furthermore provides you with an idea of the residence trends in particular areas you are interested.

In the procedure, remember to be open to alternatives and consider properties from primary locales as the rate of the estate will mirror your standard of residence to a tremendous extent. Select a perfect mix of expense and quality. Tengah showflat Is yet to start in a few months, till then do your affordability check and be ready to grab the early bird discount at the time of purchase.

  • Legal Check of your estate is furthermore a quality certificate 

Before you finalize the final deal, make sure your apartment is lawfully approved and has legal authorization to stand on the plot. As a homebuyer, there is nothing bad in surveying whether the developer has permissions and NOCs from the Municipal Corporation, in expansion to other area development councils for water supply, sewage boards, electricity boards, etc.

Nonetheless, if you have taken a home loan, your property papers are already substantiated during your loan sanction. A certified producer will be professional in his strategy and will have integrity checks and legalization under control— this will fulfill as a valued quality certificate.

  • Keep an eye out for hidden and additional charges in property documents 

Although the peculiarities in the documentation of property may appear too technological and not your cup of tea, it is crucial to comprehend all the sentences in detail. This comprises clauses about liability, grace period, and flat’s possession, among others.

Make sure to also do thorough research on extra payments such as GST, stamp duty, registration payments, and all other charges.

  • Know the disparity between carpet area and built-up area 

The super built-up area which is usually spoken of in the brochures, encompasses the staircase, the thickness of the walls, elevator area, lobby area, etc. The real carpet area of the flat thus is nearly 30% less than the super-built-up region. Make sure to test area details before you book so that you are not caught by surprise.

With a total land area of 22,080.8sqm and 628 units, Tengah showflat services will wait for you to glimpse your ever imagined residence in itself.

Why is workplace safety training for employees is a necessity

When it comes to originations that physically work base, they need more safety knowledge to safeguard their life from the sick. So many of the originations to dump this aware as they will not sufficient time. So the workplace safety training for employees will play the role of educated knowledge regarding the worker has to work in safety in addition as they benefit from the originations to low the risk of the reputation. In addition to safe grad, their workers form the accident. So the workplace safety training of the originations will take care of it.

pdpa singapore

How you could become the workplace safety training or officer

If you are looking for a shot team of a new skill or want to student new updated that what to boost you are earning as you are hiring the workplace safety courses. This is one of the fest moving slot classes online. This course is structured with how the individual safeguards the worker in the origination and origination reputation from the accidental disorder.

Today in many shot list duration courses as you can see it at to recommend one in addiction about it is that one of good pay joins in the market. So in the top online class, you will gather about workplace safety training in the profession. So you develop one of the professional people to you are recruitment time. On the other hand, like this other shot time course as who it benefits as like that it also benefits as in next half you gather about it.

How the personal data protection act will help form the business

In today each origination is ruined digitally. So each data of the originations that are dumped with the digital record. So to safe each regard as they need some assistance as they protect it from the third hand. So that individual as to complete the pdpa courses, the individual will gather about the skill in personal data protection act. So they will be skilled in this platform, so they protect you from data that are not exciting from the platform. So each of the originations is hired the candidate who completes the pdpa.

Choose the professional pdpa trainer

In the list of the hire as you need to first call as you have to out f the ordinary skill as what the other people are a student. So for you, the pdpa Singapore will be the right option for the current skill updation. Many of the origination is looking from this kind of the individual. So the professional pdpa trainer stays out the in their class trainer.

They are making more flexible time slots in the addiction of the fee from the courses. Not all ages can hire the or log in the class slot, as they are limited age section y so of address the course in the online you can come to know you are legible to log in courses are not. In addition, you are trainer by them as you will behave the certification in worth able value.

Keeping Pace with the Times: Why the Future Belongs to Contactless Access Control Systems?

Can you imagine what it would be like to wake up in 2009? There would be no 4G, no 5G, no Netflix and Instagram. The Amazon Echo was still five years away, and Apple’s flagship product this year was the $ 599 iPhone 3GS! Technology continues to advance at an impressive rate, changing every aspect of people’s personal and professional lives. Safety was no exception to this rule.

Modern solutions for contactless access for offices, such as facial recognition and biometric readers, mobile access credentials and encrypted QR codes, have significantly increased the safety and comfort in both commercial and residential areas. The key word here is contactless. In our 2009 scenario, traditional keys were common, but access cards were a luxury. Today these access cards are somewhat outdated and attention has shifted to the next generation of access control solutions. This article discusses three key benefits of installing a contactless access control system.

  1. Hygiene

First, let’s look at hygiene, which is more important than ever due to the coronavirus pandemic. Research has shown that the COVID-19 virus can live on surfaces for up to seven days, making public spaces, as well as doorknobs or keypads, the main carriers of the virus. Many companies and government agencies are forced to resort to consistent cleaning of these and other surfaces to try to reduce the transmission of the virus. But what if contacts could be eliminated altogether? This is a significant advantage of contactless access for offices.

The non-contact alternatives ensure that people can easily minimize the risk of both spreading and contracting COVID-19 by eliminating unnecessary contact. In fact, even the most sophisticated technologies are still limited by the requirements for touch input – for example, some fingerprint readers. But many non-contacts access control solutions, such as palm recognition systems or check-in with selfies, are now available on the market. As prime candidates for hygienic access control, they have often been the key for many organizations keeping employees safe during a pandemic.

  1. Comfort

Proximity access control kits also offer increased comfort for end users. Most standard access control systems require an access key (smart card or remote key fob), which is presented to the reader. Not only is it annoying, but on average a company of 40,000 loses 10,378 access keys per year.

How many times have you worried about hotel access cards while on vacation? What if the front desk is open only during certain hours, if you suddenly lose it? These traditional methods bring disruption and anxiety that could have been avoided.

Contactless access control systems can work in accordance with the living conditions of their users, and not require them to perform specific steps or requirements. Biometric readers ensure they can eliminate the need for any additional hardware, while mobile credentials integrate security systems into smartphones, making it easier for users.

  1. Security

Let’s take another look at the statistics for 10,378 lost access keys per year. In terms of security, this means 10,378 supposed paths through which you can gain access to company property, where IT server rooms and expensive office equipment are located. In other words, security collapse. Access cards and remote controls can be deactivated and reissued, but this takes time, resources and money.

There is also the problem of duplication. Many legacy access control readers tend to work in a similar way – using 125 kHz contactless card technology, giving attackers the full opportunity to obtain a blank card, steal a legitimate one, and copy credentials. Readers – coded keypads are also susceptible to multiple vulnerabilities. It is very easy to observe or record someone entering the four-digit code that users often write down, further compromising security. Non-contact access control solutions will bypass these perceived dangers.

Biometric systems, like check-in with selfies, work with complex digital signatures that are nearly impossible to reproduce. Access cards can be duplicated, credentials can be copied, but fingerprints and facial structures are very unique. Likewise, QR codes are considered a viable alternative as they use encryption techniques that increase security and reduce risk. Whether it’s for security during the COVID-19 pandemic, to keep out criminals, or for comfort, contactless access control solutions offer many benefits.

What does all a dog trainer do? 

When you bring your dog to your place, it’s good to enroll him in an obedience training class as soon as you can.

Dog Trainers are there to take up your dog and make him a well-mannered and obedient pet animal for you. Here’s how a dog trainer can help you out in dog training schools-

  1. They teach your dog manners and socialize them

Same as human babies, puppies have no idea how to behave with others. Without thinking about any consequences, they do whatever comes to their minds. However, socialization helps them to behave acceptably. Dog trainers will help your dog to socialize himself among other dogs and human beings as well.

You can start socializing with your dog when they reach 7 weeks of their age. Socialization helps to introduce your dog to new people, animals, and places. And a trainer checks for all the boxes.

  1. They help you to develop a better relationship with your pet.

It’s tough for an average person to understand a dog’s behavior. And when you do not understand your dog, you cannot train him. That’s why we reach to ‘Dog Trainers’. It’s obvious to get angry about his bad behaviors, but yelling or hitting your dog will only teach him to fear and ignore you.

Positive reinforcement plays a vital role in controlling the dog’s nature. You can make him repeat the desired actions again and again, once you reward the same action. A dog is an animal, known for its loyalty. He works at best to please his owner.

  1. They protect your dog from potential danger

Dog obedience training can help your dog from several threats. Two of the most basic commands a trainer teaches a dog are ‘sit’ and ‘drop it. These commands can be very beneficial in protecting him from performing dangerous things. When a trainer sees a dog gnawing at something, he can yell ‘drop it’. There’s no way of knowing that how many stomach aches this command has prevented.

In obedience training, a trainer teaches a dog to stop when he unknowingly roam around danger which of course is the most effective tool to keep your furry friend safe.

  1. They help to lower down the anxiety of your dog

In most cases, a well-trained dog faces less anxiety as compared to a dog that hasn’t been socialized.

The study published in 2k18, in Animal behavior and cognition found that taking puppies to obedience training schools can help them socializing and help them reduce their anxiety levels, which furthermore leads to biting as an adult dog.

Keep your dog in the company of the best Dog trainers at ‘Dog Training’. You can watch your puppy transforming into a well-mannered dog from a wild puppy.

Why Dog Training?

  • Promotes social, cognitive, and emotional well-being with positive reinforcement.
  • Alleviate undesirable behavior with the help of customized training plans.
  • Nurtures a confident and happy pet with good social skills.

Tips to Decide Which Floor is Right for You

In a city like Singapore, high-rise buildings are one of the common infrastructural developments you will discern. High-rise buildings accommodate more residents and save a lot of space. Keeping nature’s touch in mind, developers attempt to provide more air and sunshine in your inner space.

The Avenir freehold condo a high-rise, new-launch condo in Singapore. There are 2 towers of each 36 storied involved in the development. With a total unit number of 376, the 3BHK room sets are available. So, here you can enjoy the high surge with all the luxurious dispositions in your living space.

Security and privacy

In a general understanding, the lower floors of a tall building are less secure. The reason being they are somewhat more accessible. However, it does not have to be taken into consideration if your condo has enough security checks.

The reputation of the builder

No matter how grand the plans the builder layout for you, no matter how fancy the marketing gimmicks, it’s best to invest with a reputed builder only. JBE Holdings Pte Ltd is one of the foremost builders in Singapore; they have recently come up with a new launch called The Commodore (read review on The Commodore). They have started as a homegrown developer in 2004 and are constantly developing vast project portfolios in Singapore. It includes private condominiums, executive condominiums, and often the landed houses.

To contact this determined and committed development group, you can reach out to their website or call and confer with the agent.

Occupation safety

It is one of the first foremost concerns; a buyer has when buying a high-rise building. As long as the builder has an occupation certificate, you can stay assured of security. A developer gets an occupation certificate only when the government agencies like the fire safety department go through the building for an inspection. Investing in a reputed builder could be the best flavor of your journey to the new home.

Number of lifts servicing the floor

Every tower of a hug building should have at least 2 serviceable lifts. If in case, one fails, then another one would be ready to use. This is more important for the families, the elderly, and the kids. In case of any emergency, you should be able to quickly evacuate the floor.

Views outside

One of the main reasons why people choose to live on some upper floors of a building is the scenic view. The vantage from the windows and balconies of the upper floors often specify their price. Beach views, pool views, and hill views, etc. are a few of the luxurious occupants of high floored apartments can enjoy. If the views matter to you, then you will find no better place than

Weather conditions and natural light

In warmer cities, homes that are on lower floors are always preferred. Whereas it is the opposite in the case of colder cities. Ventilation a d natural light levels increase with the level of the tower. A higher floor means a better breeze and light and has lower electricity expenses.

How to Choose the Right Property?

Buying real estate is an interesting prospect for those wishing to increase their capital. When you become an investor that accumulates your own funds in residential/non-residential areas, you must set specific goals. The number, type of investment objects and possible risks depend on this. Studies show that only twenty percent of investors do this.

By investing in the purchase of real estate, you can kill several birds with one stone: make a profit from the resale of square meters; receive passive income by renting out real estate; protect yourself from inflation. Indeed, judging by the trends, the cost of condominiums, houses, townhouses, cottages, commercial premises will only increase.

Such opportunities open up to investors of Far East Organization, which specializes in the construction of residential complexes of comfort and business class in the suburbs of Singapore. The developer’s client base has a significant percentage of people for whom real estate is of interest from a financial point of view.

It is better to buy apartments at the initial stages of construction. This will help not only to save as much as possible on the purchase, but also to get the maximum profit as a result. Amber Sea residential complex is developed within walking distance of Marine Parade MRT station, East Coast Park, Katong’s shopping centre and reputed schools and kindergartens. The prime location of Amber Sea housing complex makes it perfect location for you and your family. If you are interested in show flat viewing, visit the website and register yourself today. By registering, you can get all the details of Amber Sea freehold living in district 15 on your WhatsApp.

The premium housing complex has total 132 condominium units. The spectacular design with deluxe finishing and practical living space. Amber Sea is prime location for family people. The East Coast Park is located adjacent to it where you can spend a day trip with your kids. The residential housing is in close association with Marine Parade. Various schools and medical institutions are nestled here. East shore hospital, Raffles hospital and Parkway East Hospital are some of them. So, buy your dream condominium today in this kid-friendly establishment.

Buying an apartment from “Far East Organization”, be sure that you will receive both a profitable investment object and comfortable, high-quality housing. The developer uses proven and modern materials. All apartments have well-thought-out layouts, and the houses are located in good locations, have the necessary infrastructure inside the complexes and nearby. Amber Sea Residential complex meets high security parameters: closed area, 24-hour security and video surveillance, concierge service. Click here to find out more.

It should be clarified: the company provides customers with favourable instalments, individual purchase conditions, discounts for experienced customers, and also constantly pleases customers with promotions and gifts. These factors increase its already high rating and popularity among property buyers in Singapore.

When making a purchase of real estate, think over an investment strategy. But more importantly, do business with a trusted developer to ensure the success of your investment. Far East Organization fits this definition perfectly.


A Complete Guide in Your Quest to Purchase a Mobile Phone

Purchasing a mobile phone is a major purchase decision. It is something that is going to be with you for the next couple of years in your life. Sometimes the question springs up where is the best site to buy mobile online so you need to cover all the bases. Yes with such a number of choices available purchasing a phone might turn out to be a tedious process. But there are some steps that you have to follow in order to ensure that the purchase decision is a smooth one.

Undertake a proper research

First and foremost there is a need to conduct a proper research on the type of phone you want to purchase. Serious consider what was the condition of your last phone, which are the ones that appeal to you and check out some of the existing models present in the market. In fact you might end up using your new phone a lot, so make it a point that the holding is proper. Colourful plastic, chunks all go on to look the same. Now sometimes the question might spring up are you willing to churn in a lot of money to purchase a trendy phone or are you considering a cheap one.

Choice of a phone

Once you have an idea on the type of phone you are looking the time is right to shortlist one as per your choice. In a way an effective strategy is to reduce the choice to a couple of them as then the task is going to become a lot easier. Find out your IPhone trade in price here might be a welcome move in such cases. Even if you plan to make a move from Android to IPhone or vice versa it has to be smooth.

Opt for a price plan

Numerous ways are there for you to purchase a mobile phone as it can be a monthly or a pay as you go plan might also be a welcome move. There could be an option where you purchase a phone outright along with a SIM. Though these plans work out to be cheap but keep in mind that you have to churn in some amount for the phone. An effective tip to choose a plan is to figure out the calling minutes and figure out your data usage requirements. It is going to make your decision an easy one.

Comparison of networks

The mobile networks that have gone on to emerge offer lower prices for the customers. In case of others they would be already have a phone and on the lookout for a lucrative deal on their data. There could be some who might be having amazing 4 G coverage whereas others would be having none. A couple of points come to the fore that are price and the network. In this regard it is better to compare the network in your area as it would be of help.

A Complete Guide About How to Fix Broken iPhone Glass

Accidents do happen, and you cannot avoid such unfortunate accidents. Your iPhone is not a simple accessory; it contains all of your valuable information and contacts and is a medium to remain connected to the world. And, an iPhone with a broken screen means you cannot use the phone and need to wait for its repairing.

If you want to repair your iPhone, you can go to an Apple original store or any AASP or apple authorized service provider to get the best and cheap iPhone repair Singapore. But, the procedure often becomes nerve-wracking, and iPhone users often become anxious about it. But being restless will not help. Here is the complete guide on iPhone repairing that can help you.

If you have a broken iPhone screen make sure to read this article once to understand the whole procedure-

  • Check the degree of damage before taking any decision.

The first thing you need to do is to check the degree of the damage. The screen can be fully cracked and battered, or it may have a single hairline fracture. A lot of iPhone users often get tempted to use their phone if there is a hairline fracture. But, the best way is to get the repair done even if the damage is small.

  • Contact the service center.

After you have made a successful assessment of the damage, you need to proceed with repairing request. The best way to get the service is from Apple locations.

If you have a nearby Apple Store, visit there and ask for assistance. Alternatively, you can visit Apple Authorised Service provider locations which have tie-ups with apple and provides excellent service. You can search the internet about finding an original apple store.

If you do not have any nearby Apple store, visit AASPs. You can log in to websites visit (for the USA) or (your country name) and find the details of nearby AASP locations from there.

Contacting a service center is best. It is because the service centers offer you original apple products that compliment your device and return it to the mint condition. And, for broken screens, you may think that the regular cheaper screen alternatives are better because they are cheap. But they do not offer the same experiences as your original screen and can, in turn, damage your whole device. Hence, the best way is to visit an apple store and get OEM, or Original Equipment Manufacturer Pulls for your device, These are the spare parts from the manufacturer, and hence you get the best experience after the repairing is done.

Apple has reasonable repairing charges for its phone and other gadgets. Besides that, visiting an authorized service center means they can provide original parts to fix broken iPhone glass. Make sure to check the warranty terms and clauses so that you get everything covered.

Importance of choosing the Right Book Keeping Schemes for your small Business

It is essential to choose every resource you are using for your business critically. Picking up the right Schemes for your business could save you so much of money. Whatever business you are planning to thrive in the market, book keeping is an important operation to take care of. And it is to keep in mind that keep bookkeeping consumes a lot of time, thus, adopting for the bookkeeping Schemes is an excellent idea. In this way, you can focus more on the direct customer value which is vital in the expansion of the small scale businesses.

What is Book Keeping?

It is the process of maintaining the records of financial transactions for the company. It is the duty of the book keeper to keep track of every transactions that a company makes and afterwards make the report. Reports are made on the daily basis which are known as Day Book. It contains all the transactions that a company had done throughout the day and it includes all the purchases, official receipts, every sale receipt and payments that are made to the business entities and companies.

All the reports of the company would later be given to the accountants and in this way the income statement and the balance sheet of the company is generated. The nature of the work of Book keeping is extremely volatile as they are the privy of the in-goings of the company. Therefore, it is very much crucial to pick not the best but a trustworthy asset for your company.

Picking up the right Schemes is crucial to build your business especially in the early stages as it would save your lot of time and would help on more focused on your main agendas. For the progress of growing company, it is too important to maintain well maintained records. In this way, the growth of the company is to be determined and also it is easier to design and plan the further actions and growth.

Book Keeping is crucial and decisive option for the business and also for the individuals. Every company whether its small or huge business, book keeping is the basic need of the business. Maintaining the adequate book keeping is the obligation of every company. Get the best Singapore business incorporation that provides the solutions that would fit you right according to the type of the company. Look for the assistance for the Company Incorporation and every Business Solutions which would help you to grow your small scaled business.

Join Timcole and leave every administrative part of the business to them and grow your business in peace.